The Day Worker Center of Mountain View is a 501(c)3 non-profit serving our community

Federal Tax Identification Number: 20-2874108

Monetary donations

The Day Worker Center of Mountain View has been supported by grants from various local organizations and while funding from foundations is wonderful, it is not something that an organization can rely on forever. To survive, we must increase the support we get from individuals like you. Your generosity allows the Day Worker Center to keep programs up and running such as Job Placement, Healthy Meals, and Training, to name a few.

Can you help us today with an online donation or check? Every gift counts!


Prefer to send a check? If so, please mail it to:
Day Worker Center of Mountain View
113 Escuela Ave., Mountain View, CA 94040


Change Lives!
Look What Your Gift Can Do:



Buy seasonal vegetable seeds to use for our Healthy Meals program and feed workers



Gas and maintenance of the Center’s van



Restock our pantry for a week



Be able to continue communication with workers through video conferencing platforms such as a Zoom plan



Allow us to continue operating and serving the community


Support the Day Worker Center of Mountain View at an SF Giants game!

Purchase tickets through our unique link and help provide vital services to hardworking day workers!

Share the link with loved ones! Don't miss out on Monday-Thursday games (excluding Dodgers & A’s series) in View Reserve & Bleacher sections.

Link to purchase tickets:



Donate in Memory of a Loved One

Commemorate the memory of a loved one with a donation. Please send a check with a note to:

Day Worker Center of Mountain View 113 Escuela Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040

Your In Memory Of donation will be acknowledged by the Day Worker Center appropriately.


In-Kind Donations

The Day Worker Center of Mountain View also accepts in-kind donations. Due to the pandemic, please call ahead before dropping off items to ensure a staff member can accept your donation.
Donations that we typically receive include:

● New toiletries

● Fresh produce, sugar, and cooking oil

● Office supplies

● Bicycles

● Clothing (please call to confirm)

● Other household items (please call to confirm)


The Center has been supported by grants from:



● Recommend us to a friend or colleague

● Write a review on Yelp

● Follow us on social media

● Shop on Amazon Smile

  • Go to and log in to your personal Amazon account

  • Select the Day Worker Center of Mountain View as your favorite charity and 0.5% of each purchase will automatically be donated to the Day Worker Center

● Donate your talents - Visit our Volunteers tab for more information

The Day Worker Center thanks you for your support!